
Symptoms Of Sensory Disorder In Children

Sensory disorder is a type of disorder present in children as a result of which they react to certain things in an unusual manner and not in a manner in which a normal child will react. These children are either hypersensitive or under sensitive. This sensitivity often affects body functions. The cause of this problem is improper communication to brain of some action or reaction. In a normal person, for every action a communication is sent to the brain which reacts giving a signal to the body. In case of the children affected by sensory disorder, the signal sent to the brain gets deformed resulting in faulty assessment and back communication.

The following symptoms, if observed in a toddler or child on continuous basis, should be got investigated from an expert physician and proper remedial action taken. It is found that if the remedial action is taken at an early stage the child gets cured soon.

  • The first symptom of sensory disorder relates to touch. The child avoids touching or being touched, the child also has disliking for wearing clothes, brushing teeth or grooming hair. Such a child is mostly moving around sometimes lacking coordination.
  • The child may be facing problem relating to hearing. He over reacts to loud noise and frequently covers ears to stop high pitch sound, however, likes to listen to music or watch TV tuned at a high pitch.
  • The next common problem with these children relates to vision. They tend to view objects from close distance along with rubbing of eyes and feel happy watching shining objects. In short they can be termed as over sensitive to both light and sound.
  • The next symptom is, liking for peculiar food items. Some may like excessive spicy food and the others may like bland food. They are particular about color and shape of food items. Same item of food made in different shape or colour will be disliked.
  • Disliking for aromatic items. They are repulsed by odour or perfumes and have disliking for perfumed soaps or items of food which emits peculiar smell like sea food etc.
  • Another symptom relates to problem in movement, the child may feel uncomfortable being in fast moving car, or may be afraid of jumping or may be afraid of water or being on high buildings.
  • The most noticeable symptom is motor problem. The child finds it difficult to pick small objects and lacks proper coordination, can’t move on a straight line and feels pleased falling down and finds support from other objects like furniture and walls etc.

Sensory problem can be cured by treatment from an expert. The treatment may include both administrations of drugs, massaging and psychological counselling and treatment should start at the earliest possible time.

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