Kawasaki Disease Symptoms In Children

kawasaki disease symptomsKawasaki is a typical disease which can affect the skin, mouth, nose, throat, lymph nodes and the lining of the blood vessels. This disease can affect adults also but the children are the mostly affected. The boys are more affected than the girls. The genetic and environmental factors can be the cause of this disease. The immune system and viral infection is the major contributor of this ailment. It is not contagious disease.

Kawasaki disease causes

It is believed the exposure to the chemicals and allergies can be the major cause. The root cause is still not known but virus and infection may be the chief causes. It is non-contagious ailment which can affect the boys more than the girls. It can affect about eighty percent children below the age of five years.

Kawasaki disease symptoms

Chronic sore throat, lymph nodes may be swollen, redness in the eyes, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain may be experienced. Lips may get cracked dry or red with joints pain. Palms and soles may be swollen with redness, skin may get peeling in the soles, nails and palms also rashes in the genital or trunk area may be seen. White covering the tongue. Liver or gall bladder may get enlarged. Anemia, arthritis, meningitis may be experienced. Heart may be affected.  Inflammation in blood or urine is experienced.


The blood test, urine test, liver function test and ECG can be conducted to diagnose this disease after the symptoms are known. The timely treatment can reduce pain, inflammation, blood clot formation and aneurysms in the coronary arteries. Pain reliever or anti-inflammatory medicines can be given to get relief.

kawasaki diseasePlasma may be exchanged in case the medicines are not working properly or giving no response. The portion of plasma may be removed to be replaced with protein-enriched fluids. The ECG may be getting done regularly to prevent the disease. This disease may occur more during the winter and spring and the proper care of the child must be taken. An echocardiography can be getting done to measure the coronary arteries to evaluate the functioning of heart valves. The fever may be cured with medications but if it continued beyond that period, the doctor will change the treatment.


The early treatment can help in reducing the heart problem. The antibodies may be given which are very safe because these are made from human blood donation. These are given by a drip for several hours to get the child feel better the next day. An asprin may be given to reduce inflammation. Get the ECG done every year to know the heart problem. Try to get it operated in case of emergency.

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