Child Immunization Schedule
In many countries and states, different doctors follow different immunization schedules and it comes as no surprise to encounter parents who are confused about the whole matter. A newer and most widely followed schedule for immunization is as follows:
Childhood Immunization Schedule
Birth-3 months BCG Vaccine
0-2 weeks Oral Polio vaccine
6 weeks Interval Oral Polio vaccine, Inj. Triple vaccine (DPT)
10 weeks Oral Polio vaccine, Inj. Triple vaccine (DPT)
14 weeks Oral Polio vaccine, Inj. Triple vaccine (DPT)
9 months Measles vaccine, Oral Polio (Optional)
15 months MMR vaccine (Measles-Mumps-Rubella)
18-24 months Oral Polio & Triple – First Booster
4-5 years Oral Polio & Triple – Second Booster
10 years Injection Tetanus toxoid (TT)
16 years Injection Tetanus toxoid (TT)
- Booster of Inj. TT is to be taken every 5-10 years.
- Consult your doctor if there has been a delay in getting your child vaccinated due to any reason.
- Typhoid and cholera vaccine can be taken during epidemics. But their efficacy being less, place emphasis on proper sanitation, personal hygiene and boiling of drinking water.
- Special vaccine like pneumococcal vaccine, Hib vaccine and hepatitis B vaccine can be taken after consultation with your doctor.